Find deeper meaning.

We picked a few great sources that can be useful when entering a new field. So it should be even easier for you to dive into a new topic. On top of that, most of them are completely free!


Learning platforms

These online sources are great for academic inquiry about sciences, arts, social sciences.

Česká digiální knihovna

Czech Digital Library is a national aggregator of digital libraries. It allows to search documents contained in digital libraries operated by individual libraries in the Czech Republic.


Library of US Congress

The Library of Congress is the de facto national library of the United States. Its collection includes millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts.


MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare is free online repository of MIT-taught courses. These are actual courses taught at MIT. It might take a bit of browsing, but you can find amazing materials and problem sets there, especially on quantitative subjects.


Art of Problem Solving

Art of Problem Solving is a global community of students and mentors passionate about math and math related topics. With the supportive community comes also a great repository of resources, such as problems from various competitions.



edX provides online courses from universities across the globe. The platform offers both individual courses and executive programs which will empower you with indepth knowledge of particular domain. While the certificate carries a fee, the course content is free.



Skillshare is an online learning platform with thousands of creative courses to help you learn new skills in the fields of deisgn, graphics, music, photography, entrepreneurship, and other creative endeavours.



FreeCodeCamp will help you develop your coding interests. Its courses cover borad array of languages (Python, CSS, C++) and use cases, so you will certainly pick your niche. Just like Khan Academy, the source is completely free.


Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an education non-profit with a complete collection of courses on grammar and high school curriculum. On top of that, it also offers preparation courses for your SATs. Everything available in 18 languages and completely for free.


The card images have fit set to cover, so they fill their masking container without stretching. Try making the “Cards Image Mask” a circle using border-radius or adjusting the size ratio using top padding. Don’t forget to set an alt description for each image, which will help with accessibility.

Academic Resources

If you want to improve an element of your academic journey - such as improving study effectiveness, managing your test anxiety, or structure your notes - academic resource centers are a good place to start. We include a few interesting ones, but genereally googling the area of your interest with keywords such as "MIT procrastination" or "Harvard reading strategies" will do the job.

The card images have fit set to cover, so they fill their masking container without stretching. Try making the “Cards Image Mask” a circle using border-radius or adjusting the size ratio using top padding. Don’t forget to set an alt description for each image, which will help with accessibility.

MIT Admissions

MIT Admissions provides a holistic overview of what university applications at top-tier universities are about, but most importantly it offers a sublime collection of more than 6.000 blog posts from MIT students sharing their experiences.

University of Oxford

The University of Oxford put together wide array of resources that should help you on your journey. The Q&A with students and the Digital Resources Hub are some of the interesting resources.

Nevypusť duši

Nevypusť duši raises awareness about mental health among young people and adults. The company organizes educational events in academic institutions and outside of them, and on its websites provides useful methods on how to care about one's soul.

Cornell University

Cornell's Learning Strategies Center contains some wonderful tools and methods to improve your reading, note-taking, and the overall study experience. Check this piece on reading strategies.

Harvard University

Harvard offers good tips to anyone who tries to learn something new. Check out their advice on memory and attention and other useful skills.

Why English?

"Learn a new language and get a new soul." - Czech Proverb

I know what you are thinking. Why should I learn English, when there is plenty of resources on Wikipedia? The answer. Because you would be missing out. The most amazing things involve international collaboration. Moreover, more than 1 billion people speak or able to understand English. That is about 15% of the global population. With English you can understand their knowledge, wisdom, and soul.

I am sure you will find plenty of English courses in just a few clicks. My advice would be, do any activity that involves the foreign language, is immediately gratifying, and as often as possible. What worked for me was at first watching sitcoms, like How I Met Your Mother, and later comedians, like Jon Stewart, Ricky Gervais, or Bo Burnham, and trying to understand the meaning behind their jokes. But what worked for me might not work for others.

I am also sharing a couple of online tool that have proved valuable to me. First, use Google Translate Chrome add-on. It is a huge time saver, especially if you are starting with English or browsing a foreign website. Second, put together a really nice compilation of dictionaries, so you will never miss a meaning of a word or a phrase. You can download the app both in App Store, Google Play, and Microsoft Store.

Learning a new language is tough, but also worth it. You get to know people more intimately and get access to amazing resources.